Panthers Hockey Club





1. A hockey team shall number eleven players, unless otherwise agreed by the respective captains.

2. The ground shall be 100yds. long and not more than 60 nor less than 50yds. wide, marked with white lines, and with a flag at each corner. The longer sides to be called the "side lines," and the shorter sides the "goal lines."

3. The goals shall be in the centre of each goal line, and shall consist of two uprights 12ft. apart, with a horizontal bar 7ft. from the ground.

4. In front of each goal line shall be drawn a line 12ft. long, parallel to the goal line and 15 yds from it. The ends of this line shall be curved round to the goal lines by quarter circles, of which the goal posts form the centres. This line to be called the "striking circle."

5. The ball shall be an ordinary cricket ball, painted white.*

* The ball must be painted white with ordinary white paint.

6. The sticks shall have no metal fittings whatever, and no sharp edges and they must be able to pass through a ring 2in. in diameter.

7. No player is to have any metal spikes or projecting nails in his boots or shoes.

8. The choice of the goals shall be tossed for at the beginning of the game, and the goals shall be changed at half time.

9. The game shall be started by one player of each side bullying the ball in the centre of the ground, and after each goal and after half time, there shall be a bully in the centre of the ground. The bully shall be played as follows: Each player is to strike the ground on his own side of the ball, and his opponent's stick over the ball three times alternately ; after which either of the two players shall be at liberty to strike the ball.

10. In all cases of a bully, every player shall be between the ball and his own goal line, except the two players who are bullying, who shall stand facing the side lines.

11. A goal is scored when the ball has been driven between the goal posts under the bar, the whole ball having passed over the line. No goal can be scored unless the ball be hit from a point within the striking circle. A ball struck from without the striking circle, and touching or glancing off the person or stick of a player on the defending side, cannot score a goal.

12. When a player hits the ball, any player of the same side who at the moment of hitting is nearer his opponent's goal line is off side, and may not touch the ball himself, nor may he approach within five yards of it until it has been touched or been hit by one of the other side, or, in the case of a goal keeper, until it has been hit or kicked by him, nor in any way whatever interfere with any other player unless there are at least three of his opponents nearer their own goal line.

13. The ball may be caught (but must be dropped at once on the ground) or stopped with any part of the body; but it must not be picked up, carried, kicked, or knocked on, except with the stick. There shall be no play with the back of the stick and no left or back-handed play, charging, kicking, collaring, shinning, or tripping shall be allowed. Fencing or hooking sticks shall not be allowed, unless one of the players is on the ball. A player shall not run in between his opponent and the ball so as to obstruct him, nor cross him from the left so as to foul him. In the event of a player crossing from the left and touching the ball before touching his opponent, it shall not be considered a foul. The goal keeper, who shall be named by his captain before the commencement of the game, shall, however, be allowed to kick the ball so long as it is within the striking circle.

14. When a player strikes at the ball, his stick must not during any portion of the stroke rise above his shoulder. And no player may interfere in any way with the game unless his stick be in his hand.

15. On the occasion of a free hit, no member of the offending side shall be within 5yds. of the spot where such hit is made, and the striker must not play the ball again until it has touched or been hit by another player.

16. The penalty for any breach of Rules 12, 13, 14, and 15, committed outside the striking circles, shall be a "free hit" by one of the opposite side on the spot where the rule was broken. For any breach of Rules 12, 13, 14, and 15 by the attacking side, committed within the striking circle, a free hit may be claimed by the defending side inside the striking circle, the attacking side can only claim a "bully." No claim for such breach of the rules by the defaulting side to be allowed.

17. When the ball passes over the "side line," it shall be rolled out along the ground from where it crossed the line by one of the opposite side to that of the player who last touched it in any direction except forward. No other player shall stand within 5yds. of the sideline. The ball may be rolled out at once, and the player who rolls it out must not touch the ball again until it has been touched or been hit by another player.

18. If the ball is hit behind the goal line by the attacking side, it shall be brought out 25 yds. in a direction at right angles to the goal line from a point where it crossed the line and there "bullied;" but if the ball glance off, or is hit behind by, any player of the defending side, a player of the attacking side shall have a free hit from a point on the side or base line within a yard of the nearest corner flag, and at the moment of such hit, all the defending side must be behind their goal line, and all the attacking side must be outside the striking circle.

19. Should there be no umpire or umpires appointed by the two captains, the captains shall be the arbitrators in all disputes, and should two umpires or arbitrators fail to agree, they must appoint a referee, whose decision shall be final. Where there are two umpires but no referee, each umpire to take half the field and give his decisions in his half only but to take the whole of one side line, the field to be divided across by a line drawn at right angles to the side lines, through the centre of the ground. The two umpires shall not cross over at half time.


Note.- The game is usually played for one hour and ten minutes. Half time being called after thirty-five minutes.

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